Employees are becoming increasingly demanding and expect instant answers to everything: from how much annual leave they have left to what the procedure is for reporting in sick. Managers have equally high expectations that the HR team will be able to click their fingers and instantly come up with the data they need to support business decisions and lead their team effectively.

As well as one of the key tasks facing any HR team is increasing employee productivity, as more productive employees translate into a healthier bottom line.

With a productive workforce, you cut time-wasting, improve communication, boost engagement and raise happiness levels across your organization – resulting in lower costs and higher profits.

And there are now a host of tools out there that, when used properly, could result in higher employee product

While HR are undoubtedly under pressure, the truth is that the technology to help them deal with the growing demands on their time is readily available.

Here’s a list of how technology can boost productivity and engagement in business:

Automate key processes

Basic HR admin can take up an inordinate amount of time. There are holiday requests to process, employee data to be updated, appraisals to be chased. A surprising number of companies still manage these basic HR processes across multiple spreadsheets, leading to unnecessary duplication and creating huge potential for error.

The latest HR software solutions – such as Cezanne HR – can make these necessary but onerous processes so much easier. They put all the basic people-related data in one central place, making it easy to keep everything up-to-date and allowing access to the information you need at the click of a mouse.

Provide timely reminders

We all have so much information thrown at us on a daily basis that it can be difficult to keep up with what needs to be done.

A good HR software solution that includes performance management software, however, is a bit like having a virtual assistant to help you keep on top of everything. It will issue reminders when performance appraisals are due, for example and alert you when the next stage of your absence management policy needs to swing into action with a particular employee.

Most systems allow managers to manage these core HR processes themselves, making it easier for them to effectively lead their teams and taking the burden away from HR.

Encourage people to become self-sufficient

Software solutions that offer employee self-service are not just invaluable to managers, they are also generally welcomed with open arms by employees themselves. It means they can keep their own personal data up-to-date and can see at-a-glance how much holiday they have left.

The latest generation of employee self-service HR systems often have approval processes built in, so there’s no need for people to wait for days while holiday request forms get circulated between managers and HR. The system simply generates an email and the manager can log in, check whether anyone else in the team is on leave at the same time, and issue an authorization or refusal quickly and easily.

HR analytics

Spending hours pulling together management reports for departments or the board isn’t the best use of HR’s time and certainly won’t help boost productivity and engagement! But there’s no need to trawl through masses of documentation, hound people for information or waste time making sure data is up to date.

The latest HR software systems that include advanced analytics house all people related information in one central place, making it easy to pull off the data you need when you need it. Big data, HR facts and figures can be presented in accessible graphs or charts, making it easy for people to digest the details and make more informed decisions about everything from recruitment and training to salaries.

Social Collaboration

We live in an increasingly collaborative world and yet many companies still operate in departmental silos. HR software solutions such as Cezanne HR help companies break down the boundaries by providing a central place where employees can share ideas and work together on projects.

These shared portals and workspaces make it easier for people to connect, to find answers to questions and to work with others to generate new and exciting ideas. They open the door to a more energized and collaborative workforce, where everyone knows where the company is headed and has a better understanding of the role they play within the bigger picture.


Skilled and experienced people will always be the backbone of a good HR department.However, with technology becoming increasingly important to the bottom line of most companies – HR must adapt to this change and embrace its potential. Utilizing just some of the amazing opportunities offered by HR software can increase efficiency and help both HR professionals and the wider workforce – a process that will increase productivity across any business.


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Accessed on November 29th, 2022


Available at

Accessed on November 29th, 2022



  1. Now a days we can use of collaboration tools can improve project management, strengthen team relationships, prevent time wastage and encourage feedback.
    Part also very if you can discribe it I think better

  2. While technology is becoming a great part in organizational productivity and engagement there are several negative aspects on this regard as well. What are your thoughts on this?

  3. Can you identify the challenges of using technology and recommend solutins?

  4. Well explained article and what are the different ways that HR technology can enhance employee productivity?

  5. Collaboration technologies can enhance project management, bolster relationships within teams, reduce time wasting, and promote feedback. With all of this, workers can remain committed and committed to the objectives of the business.


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